Admissions Inquiry
March 1, 2024

Our Star Team – Bringing home the Gold!CISH明星团队—斩获阿思丹全明星比赛金奖!

Trip Report for the Asdan All Stars Business Competition. 阿思丹全明星比赛之旅报道

Jackson Shi (Holding the Gold Trophy)
Jackson Shi (Holding the Gold Trophy)

For four intensive days 4 CISH students battled with 1100+ other finalists in the Asdan All Star Business Competition.  From Grade 10 Matheus Schinke, Jace Kim, Jackson Shi (Holding the Gold Trophy) and Andy Heo formed a group with 4 other students from other schools in China to make up a team of 8 for the event.

在阿思丹全明星赛为期四天紧锣密鼓的赛程中,4名CISH学生与超过1100名决赛参赛选手一较高下。10年级的Matheus Schinke, Jace Kim, Jackson Shi (下图手持奖杯学生) Andy Heo四位同学和来自中国其他学校的四位学生组成了一组8人团队共赴比赛。

The 4 other students came from: Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School, Beijing No. 4 High School, Shijiazhuang Foreign language School and New Oriental Academy 另外四名学生分别来自于北京海淀外国语实验学校、北京四中、石家庄外国语学校及新东方学校

For four intensive days 4 CISH students battled with 1100+ other finalists in the Asdan All Star Business Competition.  From Grade 10 Matheus Schinke, Jace Kim, Jackson Shi (Holding the Gold Trophy) and Andy Heo formed a group with 4 other students from other schools in China to make up a team of 8 for the event在阿思丹全明星赛为期四天紧锣密鼓的赛程中,4名CISH学生与超过1100名决赛参赛选手一较高下。10年级的Matheus Schinke, Jace Kim, Jackson Shi (下图手持奖杯学生) Andy Heo四位同学和来自中国其他学校的四位学生组成了一组8人团队共赴比赛。

The 4 other students came from : Beijing Haidian Foreign Language Shi Yan School, Beijing No. 4 High School, Shijiazhuang Foreign language School and New Oriental Academy

Above: Jace, Matheus, Jackson and Andy on the winning podium.
Above: Jace, Matheus, Jackson and Andy on the winning podium.

Before the event the team had to start work on preparing their ideas and from early morning through to midnight the team worked on a series of tasks and rounds involving logic and maths, presentation and analysis techniques. 


Also attending were Mr Thomas Schinke a Director of Volkswagen and his wife Deborah to show their support to the team although neither parents or teachers were allowed to help in any way. Mr Hamish Clifton, the CISH Business Teacher and Head of Humanities Dept. was also attending to provide encouragement.

大众汽车公司主管Thomas Schinke先生和夫人Deborah也来到比赛现场给学生送来鼓励与支持。CISH 商务课程教师兼人文学科负责人 Hamish Clifton 老师也到场给学生加油鼓劲。

The event focused on a Case Study for sustainable fashion where students designed and marketing a product. 活动重点关注可持续时装案例研究,学生们须设计并推销一种产品。

To reach the Gold medal winning position which they achieved they won a series of prior events and rounds over the 4 days including在为期四天的斩获金牌之路上,学生们赢得了一系列比赛和回合,包括:

The Vogue Style Showcase Excellence Award  最佳风尚展示奖

Style Ambassador Award (Prototyping)  时尚大使奖(原型设计)

Style Icon Trophy (most popular model)  时尚偶像奖杯(最受欢迎款)

The Best Strategist Award (Trading Game)  最佳战略奖(交易比赛)

Operational Excellence Award 最佳运营奖

The team has qualified for the all China Finals in July but is meanwhile planning on participating in the very demanding IVEY Business School Competition starting in March. 该团队已获得 7 月份中国总决赛资格,同时计划参加 3 月份开始的高要求的 IVEY 商学院竞赛。

The team has qualified for the all China Finals in July but is meanwhile planning on participating in the very demanding IVEY Business School Competition starting in March. 该团队已获得 7 月份中国总决赛资格,同时计划参加 3 月份开始的高要求的 IVEY 商学院竞赛。