Admissions Inquiry

Albertus Van der Gugten

Athletic Director

Albertus Van der Gugten
Albertus Van der Gugten

Albert van der Gugten originates from The Netherlands and has been an educator for 27 years. He graduated with honours from Windesheim University in The Netherlands, where he obtained a Baccalaureate in Physical Education. 

As well he is a DP-certified teacher. 


Mr. van der Gugten taught in Elementary, Middle and High schools in the Netherlands and was Head of the Health and Physical Education Department and Athletics Director in St Maarten (Dutch Caribbean) for 15 years. Throughout that time, he contributed to the school's success through teaching, coaching and organizing school-wide sports events, tournaments, and school spirit activities. 


Mr. van der Gugten, along with his wife and two sons, are proud new members of the CISH family. As Athletic Director, Mr. van der Gugten looks forward to building a strong athletics foundation at CISH. This will be achieved by maintaining positive relationships with students, coaches, teachers, administrators and the CISH community members.