Admissions Inquiry
Sept. 20, 2019

Inquiry-Based Professional Development

Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry by Kath Murdoch in Seoul.

Two teachers from CISH had the opportunity to attend a workshop by the “Inquiry Guru”, Kath Murdoch.  Kath Murdoch has been a large name in the PYP world and she has developed many Inquiry strategies that we currently use at CISH.

The focus of the workshop was on ways to curate a learning environment that fosters the curiosity of young minds and how to guide students throughout the inquiry process using effective questioning techniques and gradual release of responsibility.  Kath Murdoch illustrated the power of curiosity and how it can drive student learning.  If students are curious about what they are learning, they will strive to seek explanation and thus, solidifying their learning and understanding.  We explored some of Harvard’s Project Zero visible thinking routines.  Through using many of these thinking routines, we delved deeper into how teachers can facilitate effective student-led inquiry and provoke their curiosity further.  

Gradual release of responsibility is an important aspect of guided inquiry because it recognizes that each student is on their path and requires different amounts of teacher guidance at different points throughout the learning journey.  Imagine a teacher is flying a kite and the kite is the student.  The teacher is always holding onto the line that is attached to the kite.  At times, the teacher may release the string further so the kite can soar more independently, while other times, the teacher may reel in the kite so that they can provide more support and guidance.

Schools have the responsibility to teach 21st century skills to their young learners.  Through Inquiry-based teaching and learning, our school is able to prepare our students with effective research and problem-solving skills so they can adapt to an ever-changing world.  Inquiry-based learning creates an environment that fosters and encourages our students to become life-long learners.

Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development